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Premises Security and Liability Manual
Steven Jones, CPP
Co-Founder and Executive Director
Design and implementation of workplace violence
prevention programs for private and public organizations.
Administration of program related Confidential Information
Collection and Evaluation Center. Management seminars on
occupational violence prevention and employee workshops
on symptom recognition and information collection procedures.
Frequent guest speaker at conventions and professional meetings.
Environments Served:
Domestic and foreign corporations, partnerships,
and privately owned businesses. City, county and
federal government departments and agencies.
Associations and promoters of sporting and other
entertainment events.
Mr. Jones is one of the nation’s leading
experts on occupational violence. He has
consulted on the subject of workplace violence
prevention with businesses and public agencies
over the past 15 years and has designed the violence
prevention programs now in effect in many of America’s
corporations. Mr. Jones co-authored
The Complete Workplace Violence Prevention Manual
which has become the standard for occupational
violence prevention programs throughout the United
States and Canada He also co-authored and co-edited
Premises Security and Liability... A Comprehensive
Guide from the Experts.
Mr. Jones, a former federal agent with the United
States Secret Services and the Department of Justice,
has 18 years of international law enforcement
experience in presidential protection and other
VIP security, intelligence, Interpol liaison and criminal
investigations. He was born and educated in Zurich,
Switzerland, and is multi-lingual (French, German and Spanish).
Professional Affiliations:
IAPSC (International Association of Professional Security Consultants)
ASIS (American Society for Industrial Security)
ATAP (Association of Threat Assessment Professionals)
AFAUSSS (Association of Former Agents of the United States Secret Service)
David Break, CPP
Workplace violence reduction programs. Education
of employees and management in the recognition
of potentially violent workers. Preparation
and presentation of conflict resolution training.
Design and administration of in-house and external
Information Collection and Evaluation Centers to
warn of pending violence. Seminars and education
for professional audiences.
Environments Served:
Commercial firms, multi-occupancy buildings,
educational institutions, governments, and
industrial facilities.
Mr. Break is nationally recognized for his research
and innovative approaches to combating occupational
violence. He has advised a wide range of companies,
including those in the Fortune 100. With over 20
years in the security industry, he provides
multi-faceted solutions to complex workplace violence issues.
David Break is a contributing author to the
Security Management Encyclopedia
and is co-author of The Complete Workplace
Violence Prevention Manual. He also
co-authored and co-edited Premises Security
and Liability... A ComprehensiveGuide from the Experts,
a two-volume publication designed to provide liability
prevention and avoidance guidance.
Professional Affiliations:
IAPSC (International Association of Professional Security Consultants)
ASIS (American Society for Industrial Security)
ATAP (Association of Threat Assessment Professionals)
International Critical Incident Stress Foundation